The first model of the “Power Wing”, a wing specially designed for the production of energy, has been finally released by the KiteGen laboratories. We show you a preview. The availability of a “Power Wing” is the main enabler for the mass production of low-cost energy from tropospheric wind. The kite sports are made of [...]
Kite Gen Research has become the third group to express interest regarding the aluminum smelter located in Sardinia run until today by Alcoa. In Italy we often hear on the news the name of this company, which sadly is associated with the risks of closure and the consequent social demonstrations of its workers. The area where Alcoa [...]
KiteGen, News, Uncategorized
Alcoa, AWE, HAWE, High Altitude Wind Energy, Ippolito, KiteGen, Nature Climate Change, NCC, Wind Energy
Translated from Massimo Ippolito’s post: On September 9th NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE Journal published a paper by Ken Caldeira, Kate Marvel, Ben Kravitz containing further confirmation of KiteGen positions and other brand new information of great importance. The following day, as a logical consequence and necessary act, we sent two letters to the Italian government with [...]
Energy, High Altitude Wind, KiteGen, News
AWE, Caldeira, Global Warming, HAWE, Ippolito, KiteGen, Kravits, Marvel, Nature Climate Change, NCC, Wind Energy
Dear KiteGen followers, Below you can find one of our interactive presentations about different aspects of KiteGen technology. This particular on describes the origins of the idea and how the KiteGen STEM works. Enjoy! There are several of these work in our Webinars section (password protected), to access that section contact us. to visualize it you [...]
Image credit The system developed at Langley flies a kite in a figure-8 pattern to power a generator on the ground Originally written by Andrea Papini and Eugenio Saraceno As our readers already know, one of the most titled teams that recently joined the at high altitude wind energy sector is that of NASA, which [...]
Originally written by Massimo Ippolito An insightful analysis, as always, by Domenico Coiante argues about renewable energy issues and the need for daily and seasonal storage. It seems a good opportunity to introduce and clarify the opportunities offered in this area by the largest source of concentrated energy on the planet, the tropospheric wind. The [...]
Energy, High Altitude Wind, In Case You Missed It, KiteGen, Vision
Archer, atlas of the winds of high altitude, AWE, Energy, HAWE, Intermittency, Ippolito
The 2nd OPEN DAY KiteGen Sunday is been confirmed for the 24th of June 2012. It is organized by SOTER (SOciety for the Transition to REnewable Energy), in collaboration with the municipality of Sommariva Perno (CN ). In a few weeks of activity, SOTER gathered over 40 members who have already contributed giving financial and [...]
Last Sunday (13th of May) KiteGen hosted an Open Day for followers, and actual or future investors. The event had 2 primary goals: 1) Show the state of the art of the technology, and perform a quick demonstration. 2) Launch officially the new financial initiative that collects small and medium investors that want to help [...]
Here a short explanation of one of the key components of the KiteGen Stem: The Manipulator The “manipulator”, so nicknamed because its movements resemble the movement of a human wrist that controls the orientation and position of the kite from the top of the STEM. The distance between the two long antennas vary depending on [...]
You can also download the video from here From Andrea Papini Edited by Stefano Serra Many of our followers ask for more details about the tests performed so far, and the ones running right now. First I would like to illustrate the results that were obtained from the first prototype, in order to have a [...]