Originally written by Massimo Ippolito An insightful analysis, as always, by Domenico Coiante argues about renewable energy issues and the need for daily and seasonal storage. It seems a good opportunity to introduce and clarify the opportunities offered in this area by the largest source of concentrated energy on the planet, the tropospheric wind. The [...]
Energy, High Altitude Wind, In Case You Missed It, KiteGen, Vision
Archer, atlas of the winds of high altitude, AWE, Energy, HAWE, Intermittency, Ippolito
The 2nd OPEN DAY KiteGen Sunday is been confirmed for the 24th of June 2012. It is organized by SOTER (SOciety for the Transition to REnewable Energy), in collaboration with the municipality of Sommariva Perno (CN ). In a few weeks of activity, SOTER gathered over 40 members who have already contributed giving financial and [...]